Yoga and Yoga Therapy

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Why Yoga?

The meditative practices of Yoga combined with breath work and physical postures are well-known to produce extremely therapeutic results. I have experienced the power of yoga over my own mental health, and have seen firsthand the profound healing properties seemingly simple movements can have on the body. Through simple changes in your movement, thought, and dietary patterns, it is possible to feel your best, both mentally and physically, no matter your age or place in life. Though I cannot promise enlightenment during this lifetime, I can promise you a life able to be lived to its fullest through the power of Yoga.

Group Yoga Class Vs. Private Yoga

Group Yoga classes are classes designed to be taken in a group setting. Similar to a group fitness class, group Yoga classes are oriented to address specific needs such as improving flexibility, strength, and overall state of mental health. Depending on the type of class, a group Yoga class may be geared more toward those with limited Yoga experience, those looking for a more meditative experience, or those looking for a faster-paced strength-building experience. Though group Yoga classes can be extremely beneficial for anyone, not all group classes are fit for each individual, depending on the individual’s experience and needs.

Group classes with Grace are offered via Zoom by appointment.

Private Yoga classes are Yoga classes designed for an individual based on the individual’s experience and needs. A Private class may include more than one student, though no more than 3 or 4 students and students must come to class with the intention of addressing the same need. Private classes can address a specific concern, such as those experiencing chronic pain or discomfort from health conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions, lung conditions, injuries, or chronic mental health concerns such as anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Grace’s Private Yoga classes take a therapeutic approach, combining mind-body practices such as Yoga postures, meditation, and breathing exercises to address the whole body.

To book a Group or Private Yoga class click HERE.

For questions, concerns, and inquiries please contact Grace at